Safe Environment Re-Certification Training
Keeping our Promise Alive!
We need our volunteers to pass our faith onto our children and young adults, and set a good example for them as Christians!
Safe Environment Re-Certification Training!
If you completed your VIRTUS live training in 2014 or prior: In January you will receive an email from our diocesan Safe Environment Office to complete Keeping Our Promise Alive 3.0, a VIRTUS® online re-certification training.
If you completed your VIRTUS live training in 2015: In February you will receive an email from our diocesan Safe Environment Office to complete Keeping Our Promise Alive 3.0, a VIRTUS® online re-certification training.
The email will be from Mary Hamann and will contain your User ID and directions to login and complete the training, which takes 30-40 minutes.
Your volunteering in our parishes and schools is very important to the life of our local Church.
Thank you for your continuing support and dedication to keeping a safe environment in our schools and parishes for our children and young people.
Diocese of Winona-Rochester
PO Box 588 ® Winona, Minnesota 55987