Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons and daughters of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1213).

How do I schedule a baptism for my infant?

Contact the parish office to begin the conversation about Baptism.  You may start by clicking here to fill out the Baptism Record.  Also each godparent will need to fill out a Godparent Verification form (this will have to be printed out since it needs a signature) and have it signed by their parish priest. (see paragraph below about choosing godparents)  Baptisms are typically scheduled before or during the 4:30 Mass or during or after the 8:30 and 10:30 Masses, based on the availability of the pastors. Forms are also available at the parish office to be filled out as well.

Ample time should be given for the parents of a child to complete the Baptismal preparations, which include submitting the Baptism Record, getting the Godparent verifications forms signed and meeting with the priest to attend a baptism preparation class.  Those who have had children baptized in the Catholic church before may just need to meet with the pastor.

How soon should I have my baby baptized?

The Church encourages Catholic families to have their children baptized as soon as possible after birth. If there is any danger of death, the baby should be baptized immediately (Code of Canon Law 867.2). Anyone can baptize by pouring water over the head of the baby and saying, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.”

What are the requirements for being a Godparent at Baptism?

The term Godparent goes back to the days when most adult converts to the Christian faith had no Christian parents. Godparents spoke up for the baptized person and, if necessary, helped him or her to grow in the faith. Today, in the vast majority of infant baptism, these tasks belong primarily to the parents.  However, Godparents accept the role of a spiritual mentor who will assist the child in growing and understanding the Catholic faith.

The Church insists that a Godparent (sponsor) be a confirmed Catholic, at least 16 years of age, and practicing the Catholic faith.  There must be at least one Godparent.  When there are two (and only two are allowed), one must be a male and the other a female.  A baptized, non-Catholic Christian may act as a Christian witness along with a Catholic Godparent. (CIC#872-874)

While it is certainly allowable for a non-Catholic to be a Christian witness to the baptism, the non-catholic must be baptized and of sufficient age and maturity to appreciate their role. Furthermore, it may also prove to be embarrassing for a non-Catholic who will be asked, together with a Catholic Godparent, to make a public profession of the faith in which the child is about to be baptized when that person does not fully embrace the beliefs we are professing.

I am an unmarried parent. Is that a problem?

No it is not. We will be happy to arrange for the baptism of your baby. The priest will simply want to be assured, as with any other parent, of your own commitment to your child’s Catholic upbringing.

Can I or my baby be re-baptized?

No. Baptism is a once-in-a-lifetime event. It means that we become a member of God’s family; we become a Christian. We cannot become what we already are. However, a re-celebration and sharing of prayers and blessings with those who were unable to attend the original Sacramental experience is a lovely thanksgiving for the safety and well-
being of your baby.

Will there be a rehearsal/practice beforehand?

Anxiety is perfectly understandable. There is no formal practice, but the celebrant (priest/deacon) will guide you through step-by-step what part you play as parents and godparents.  Don’t be shy about mentioning any point or action which worries either of you. It is important the baby’s baptism doesn’t become an ordeal but a family occasion to be enjoyed and celebrated by everyone present.

How much does a Baptism cost?

Nothing. There is no fee for baptism or any other church service. If you care to give something, a free-will donation will be gratefully accepted, and the Church always appreciates your generosity.

I have lapsed in my faith; can my school age child still be baptized?

Yes, but you will need to allow time for the child’s preparation. Both yourself and the child will need to be given some instruction about baptism so that he/she understands what is happening. Please contact your local priest for specific directives, but be assured this is a most desirable outcome for your child.

I am an adult seeking Baptism – where do I begin?

See our information on becoming Catholic on our Discipleship page or contact the parish office for more information on the Baptism process.

Where can I learn more about Baptism?

To read more about Baptism in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, click here.