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Cookie Fair & Quilt Raffle- December 16 & 17, 2023

December 5, 2023

Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?

October 20, 2023

Ever wonder who the nice couple is who sits in front of you at Mass or the name of that friendly person who smiles so warmly to you at the sign of peace?

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner is a new ministry at St. Augustine and St. Edward designed to ­promote and strengthen our parish ­community by providing a chance to meet those ­familiar faces we see each week while having fun at the same time!

WHAT: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner is a fun way for parishioners to meet, in groups of 6-8 people, in a relaxed, informal atmosphere over dinner and conversation. There is an element of surprise to the evening – as guest, you won’t know whose home you are going to until ­dinnertime; and as host, you won’t know who’s ­coming – adds more fun for everyone! (It is not necessary to host to participate.)

WHEN: The next dinner will be held on October 28, from 6:00-8:00 pm. Watch the bulletin for registration information for each upcoming dinner.

WHERE: At the home of a volunteering host.

WHY: It is a great way to meet some of those nice people you see at Mass.

WHO: All couples and singles of the parish (21+) are invited to participate. (consider this a date night- no children)

HOW: Both hosts and guests will be contacted by email or phone one week before the event with pertinent information, while protecting the element of surprise. The host will provide the main course and beverages for the meal. Those who will be Guests will be asked to bring an appetizer, salad, rolls, vegetable dish, or dessert. On the dinner evening, you will come to St. Augustine gathering space at 5:30pm and receive an envelope with the address of the host home. Hosts and guests will be matched differently each time so we can all meet more of our fellow parishioners!

Register by filling out the form found by using the QR code or by clicking on this link. https://forms.gle/KmKTD72iUQoRnNjx8

You are registering for the October 28, 2023 date.

Future Date: TBD, 2023

It is not necessary to attend every dinner but it is necessary to sign up separately for the dinners you wish to attend. Watch for each upcoming dinner’s registration form shortly after the previous dinner date passes. Come to the dinners that work for you.

If you have questions or need help signing up, please contact the parish office at (507) 437-4537.


The Eucharist as Wellspring of Faith, Hope & Charity

June 29, 2023

Welcome Reception for Fr. Beerman & Fr. Nguyen

June 28, 2023

Eucharistic Congress

June 10, 2023

The Eucharistic Congress will be held in Mankato on June 10, 2023. We are hoping to have a large group of parishioners from St. Augustine and St. Edwards attend.  It will be a day full of events for all ages.  The parish will cover the costs of the first 50 people who sign-up including registration and transportation.  You can register to attend and reserve your spot by filling out this St. Augustine St. Edward Registration Form.  Additional information about the Eucharistic Congress can be found at Diocese of Winona-Rochester or by contacting the parish office at (507) 437-4537.

Eucharistic Congress Event Schedule and Information

June 10, 2023

St. Augustine and St Edward 

Eucharistic Congress Trip

June 10, 2023

Busses Load:  6:30 a.m. at St. Augustine

Tickets:  Tickets will be distributed as you leave the bus. (Must register in advance) 

Lunch:  Noon-1:00 p.m.

A boxed lunch will be purchased for you unless you have notified us that you do not wish for one to be purchased for you

Busses Load:  Plan to load busses between 5:30 and 5:45

Return home will be about 7:00 p.m.

If you have any questions about the event, please contact the parish office at (507) 437-4537.


Schedule for the Arena Stage   https://eucharist.dowr.org/schedule/

(Other events and opportunities are available in other facility locations)

8:30  Rosary

9:00 Opening March

9:30 Keynote Speaker Bishop Barron “Meal, Sacrifice, Real Presence”

10:15 Speaker Barbara Heil “How to Win a Catholic: An Evangelical Finds Her Way Home”

11:15 Music by Luke Spehar

12:00 Lunch

1:15 Sr. Alicia Torres “The Eucharist and the Poor:  Real Sacrifice, Real Presence, Real Communion

2:20 Dr. Tim O’Malley Becoming Eucharistic People:  The Call to Communion with the Eucharistic Lord”

3:15 Mass with Bishop Barron

4:30 Eucharistic Procession, Blessing, and Farewell

Faith Formation 24-25 Sign up

Sign up for Faith Formation  by clicking here.

Youth Events Update

Don’t miss a single youth ministry event again. Text SASEYM to 71441 to receive text messages about upcoming events. Also, follow the St. Augustine & St. Edward Youth Ministry on Instagram @sase_ym.

National Eucharistic Congress- Local activities

The National Eucharistic Congress is this week, July 17-21 in Indianapolis.  But you can participate at our churches by joining us for prayer, live EWTN Congress broadcasts, educational materials display and light dinner/snack.  Click here to see the complete schedule.

Totus Tuus & VBS 2024

Totus Tuus and VBS will be June 16-21, 2024

Register and find out more here.

“Are You Going?”

Parishes from every corner in our nation will gather at the feet of Jesus, boldly anticipating a new Pentecost at the 10th National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. Your life—and our Church—will never be the same. Get your pass at https://eucharisticcongress.org


UNBOUND Conference- March 9, 2024 9AM-3PM

“You will know the truth and the truth will set you free”  John 8:32

There are often obstacles that keep us from being free and knowing the joy of God’s love.  These could be anger, unforgiveness, anxiety, self-recrimination, fear etc.

UNBOUND is a safe, loving & effective model of prayer ministry.

This conference will be held at St. Augustine on Saturday, March 9 from 9am to 3pm.  Lunch will be provided.

To Register click here.