Then Jesus approached and said to them, “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20


As a community of disciples, our goal is to foster lifelong learning and conversion through experience, reflection, prayer, and study.  Please explore the opportunities below, and also visit our News and Events pages and consult our Prayer Resources for opportunities to grow as a disciple.   (You may click here to fill out our volunteer discipleship form.)

Become Catholic/RCIA

Curious about the Catholic Faith?  Thinking about becoming Catholic?  

Join us to learn more about the Catholic faith.  We host regular events for those learning about the faith and/or those considering joining the Catholic Church.  Contact the parish office to find out when our next gathering is.  

RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the way in which adults become full, active and participating members of the Catholic Church, including:

  • the rite of Baptism of adults
  • the reception of baptized adults into full communion in the Catholic Church

The initiation is a gradual process which takes place within the community of the faithful that progresses from inquiry, to a formal period of learning about and preparing to join the Church, to the rites of initiation or reception, and continued support and membership thereafter.

Catholic Council of Women (CCW)

Discipleship Quad Groups

Would you like to journey deeper into fellowship?

A Discipleship Quad may be perfect for you!

This is a group of four people to gather every other week, in person or through technology, to foster fellowship, ongoing conversation, and learning.  Your group will grow through prayer, authentic relationships, and a deeper understanding of Christ and his church. All of the members of the quad are of the same sex to create an atmosphere of intimacy and vulnerability for sharing.

Who is a Discipleship Quad For?

Are you interested in growing in your faith as a Catholic? Consider joining! Each quad can be made up of people at any level of spiritual maturity: from long-time, committed Catholics to those who are just beginning their spiritual journey with Jesus.

What are the Benefits?

The benefit is knowing the love of Jesus Christ and deepening your relationship with him and his Church. As a member of a Discipleship Quad, you will learn with and from others, pray for and with one another, and share life with those who will become good friends in an otherwise incredibly busy and complicated world.

How do I learn more about joining or starting a Discipleship Quad?

Contact Father Steffes or Teresa Knorr in the office at St. Augustine.

(507) 437-4537 or Email Teresa

You may also learn more by watching our video on Discipleship Quads

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus Council #1201, is a fraternal organization committed to making the community of Austin a better place. Open to all Catholic men 18 years of age and older, the Knights of Columbus support many volunteer activities
throughout the year such as Pancake Breakfasts, the Tootsie Roll Drive, Blood Drives, and Friday Night Dinners at the KC Hall. These activities allow us to financially assist our youth, local schools, local parishes, and the many vocations of the Catholic Community. Our efforts of time and talent allow our council to grow in the four core virtues of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.

For more information on the Knights of Columbus, contact the parish office.

Natural Family Planning

Learn about your faith and discover a method of family planning that is just as effective as the Pill and whose benefits go beyond the physical.  The Couple to Couple League provides Natural Family Planning (NFP) instruction that is both thorough and engaging for all ages and stages of fertility.  CCL is the largest NFP provider in the U.S. and 98% of students say the class was beneficial to them.  Check for a course offering at

Women of Hope

Open to all women experiencing the loss of a husband and how do I move on. Grief is a journey we can help each other through. Contact Joyce Jennings at 507-440-4378