June 1, 2017 5:20 pm
Are you… …engaged or married? …wondering WHY the Catholic Church does not approve of unnatural birth control? …looking for a natural method that is just as effective as the Pill, with no harmful side effects? …finding those special feelings and interactions with your spouse becoming routine and missing that “honeymoon phase” in your relationship? Discover a natural method of family planning that goes beyond the physical. Learn how to really communicate about and revitalize your feelings. Quit unhealthy methods of family planning. Attend our 3-session Natural Family Planning course beginning June 5 from 5-7pm, taught by certified volunteer couple John and Rebecca Gust. Sign up online at http://register.ccli.org/ or reply to this message. The Couple to Couple League provides Natural Family Planning (NFP) instruction that is both thorough and engaging – 98% of students say the class was beneficial to them.