What is Elizabeth Ministry?
Elizabeth Ministry is a team of women in all stages of life to provide outreach to women and families in times of need. This outreach may be a personal visit, occasional childcare, church pew parent, or a meal delivered to the family. The outreach always includes praying for the intentions of those in need either by name or anonymously.
The Elizabeth Ministry team meets once a month starting with thirty minutes of adoration followed by a brief meeting sharing updates and opportunities for service.
Elizabeth Ministry is based on Jesus’ vision of the radical goodness, beauty, and truth of human life.
Elizabeth Ministers come as friends, not as counselors, to affirm, support, encourage, and assist women in response to their needs, joys, and sorrows during the times of childbirth, adoption, miscarriage, infertility, or loss of a child.
Just as Mary visited Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-45), by coming together and sharing their stories and experiences, women can serve one another in an atmosphere of faith, hope and love.
If you are seeking support or information, please contact:
Mary Lang (507) 219-0123 or
Mona Bachmeier (507) 437-9109
If you are interested in becoming part of the Elizabeth Ministry team, please
contact one of the women listed above.