December 9, 2019 7:45 pm
Cookie Faire Dec 14 & 15 AFTER ALL WEEKEND MASSES at each church!
CALLING ALL BAKERS! The ladies of the CCW are asking for donations for this year’s cookie faire – treats can be dropped off in Jennings Hall Saturday Dec 14 8am-noon. CLEANING OUT? As you prepare your home for the holidays, box up unneeded items and drop them at St Augustine outside Jennings Hall now thru Dec 13. OTHER WAYS YOU CAN HELP: We are in need of new plastic trays, tins, or other containers, volunteers to prepare 8am-2pm Dec 14, and volunteers to sell cookies and raffle tickets after Mass at each church. To help in any way, contact Monica Lillis 641-295-0045 or Annette Mueller 507-440-2576